❤️🌈 Weekly Love News: Choose Your Favorites 🌈❤️

Hey Reader,

I’m so glad you’re here. This past week has been so intense for me, for so many reasons (including the money shame I referenced last week). However, I got through pretty smoothly and ended up enjoying a sweet weekend.

I even performed a new song, “Theme Song,” and facilitated a crowd sing-along! 🎶

Wearing my favorite clothes every day (and putting them on first thing) really helped me show up well. I’ve noticed more motivation, inspiration, and productivity.

A few weeks ago, I listened to the Declutter Your Chaos podcast: “What We Wear (even alone at home) Influences How We Feel.”

The podcast guest, Jennifer, encourages Style Circle clients to get dressed every day before leaving their room. Ideally, you also wear your favorite items, choosing the best you have. It’s been about two weeks, and I love this lifestyle hack!

Choosing my clothes the night before and putting them on as soon as I get out of bed surprisingly makes such a difference in my energy levels. Being more engaged in my life leads to happy productivity.

So, in that spirit, here’s my throwback rainbow photo from a special photoshoot. I love this shirt! It’s in my top three favorites. I’m also sharing the link and lyrics for my whimsical, catchy new song with summer-specific lines.

“This Happy Tune’s Made Just for You…”

Paint a new picture, find your new brush

Slow down honey, what’s the rush?

Summer’s coming soon, the 20th of June

Our bodies get hot like it’s afternoon…

Happy summer solstice!

Alice ☀️


I help friends increase holistic wellness by sharing insights, resources, and stories ❤️

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