💜 Weekly Love News: Embrace Your Sadness 💜

Hello Reader,

Welcome to June and the final weeks of springtime!

This week, I’m happy to share that I have published a new article. After feeling kind of blocked, I started leaning into what I was really experiencing. So I wrote about mourning my romantic breakup.

I’m sure most (if not all) of you reading this can relate. Breakups offer such a bittersweet transition. I’ve just felt such a strong urge to really acknowledge and give the situation and feelings the attention they deserve.

So, here’s some inspiration for the week to let yourself be with sadness. Giving the pain a voice will always be the first step to doing anything productive with it.

Also, I just shared another breakup song at open mic night. Here’s “Demons,” the emotional counterpart to this slightly more philosophical article.

Just Let Yourself Feel Sad.

I’m still mourning my recent romantic breakup, and that’s okay.

I often like to think that I’m “highly evolved.” Then, I remember that the thought is typically a mental cover-up for insecurities. Yes, the old ego pendulum swing.

My breakup healing process is no exception. The day after it happened, I wrote a six-page poem. Then, I created and recorded a breakup song the same weekend. The following weekend, I shared the romantic breakup song at an open mic night. I’d been determined to heal quickly.

Hiding beneath the surface, I’ve discovered a lot of shame around how enmeshed I’d become with this man…

Enjoy the beautiful sunshine today!☀️



I help friends increase holistic wellness by sharing insights, resources, and stories ❤️

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