
I help friends increase holistic wellness by sharing insights, resources, and stories ❤️

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💙 Weekly Love News: Start With Safety 💙

Hey Reader, Let’s talk about safety. I recently watched a psychology video on compatibility, and the part about safety really stuck with me. I spent most of my life not feeling safe in my body. I understand why now. If you grew up in a dysfunctional environment, you internalized that being authentic wasn’t enough. You had to play roles to receive the support you needed from caretakers. As adults, these coping skills aren’t helpful. We can take care of ourselves, be ourselves, and immerse in...

Hello Reader! “Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast,” — a contact improv and dance teacher. Lately, I’ve been doing partner dance and contact improv classes again. I’ve been thinking about how to embrace my chaos without feeling swept away. “In the chaos rhythm, let yourself be uncontrolled without being out of control,” — a five-rhythms dance instructor. We all feel the pressure to go “fast" in our daily lives. That’s capitalism and grind culture messaging, urging us to prove our value with more...

Hello Reader! I’m so glad you’re here. Are you feeling the summer energy as strongly as I am? It’s an exciting season, and so much is happening. With all the motion, recharging your energy matters so much. At my “Rest is Resistance” chill yoga class last Friday, Emily read a passage about fueling yourself. It’s a bit like driving a car and filling the gas tank. Some people always fill up before getting close to empty. Some stretch the miles when the "empty" sign flickers on. Some people carry...

Hey Reader, I’m so glad you’re here. This past week has been so intense for me, for so many reasons (including the money shame I referenced last week). However, I got through pretty smoothly and ended up enjoying a sweet weekend. I even performed a new song, “Theme Song,” and facilitated a crowd sing-along! 🎶 Wearing my favorite clothes every day (and putting them on first thing) really helped me show up well. I’ve noticed more motivation, inspiration, and productivity. A few weeks ago, I...

Hello Reader, Welcome to June and the final weeks of springtime! This week, I’m happy to share that I have published a new article. After feeling kind of blocked, I started leaning into what I was really experiencing. So I wrote about mourning my romantic breakup. I’m sure most (if not all) of you reading this can relate. Breakups offer such a bittersweet transition. I’ve just felt such a strong urge to really acknowledge and give the situation and feelings the attention they deserve. So,...

Hello Reader! This week, I’m excited to share 1.) My new website, “,” and 2.) Tactical and inspiring decluttering and organizing articles from the new blog. As many of you know, I’ve been leaning into new work opportunities to serve as a home decluttering and organizing professional. While sorting the logistics of working for yourself continues to offer new layers of chaos and growth, I’m grateful and proud of this milestone. Declutter & Organize Services & Inspiration Photo...

Hey Reader, Happy Women’s History Month! I’m so glad you’re here and grateful to intentionally celebrate women this month. Female friendships often feel like high stakes with all the emotional ups and downs. “It should go without saying that the better you are at making and keeping healthy connections, the happier and healthier you will be," wrote psychologist Andrea Brandt. So this week, I’m writing about my inspiration and insights from connecting with women. I’m highlighting my college...

Hey Reader, I’m so glad you’re here. This week I’m writing about the process of healing centuries-deep feminine wounds while dating a man. Over the last four years, I’ve published 25 articles on healing feminine energy. Now, I’m in a beautiful relationship with a man and continuing to heal my inner wounded feminine. Over a million tiny moments and uplifting choices, growth happens. With presence and focused attention, we can keep choosing to feel differently and expand our concept of what we...

Hey Reader, I'm glad you're here, and I hope you enjoy my latest post. As always, creating and editing this article was its own journey. My fairy writer friend inspired me to create the middle section, "The Universe has your back," to expand on the importance of faith. Thank you, Dizzy Dazilly! Also, thank you to Dr. Christine Bradstreet for sharing this piece in her uplifting publication, "Change Your Mind, Change Your Life." How I Embraced My Shadow Journey Four Years Ago Photo Credit: Anas...

Hey Reader, Welcome to this week's Love News. Lately, I've been honing in on what matters most about my artist brand. Connecting with people who value spiritual depth, transformative journeys, and hopeful stories matters. When I show up to create and heal, I also hope to inspire, uplift, and empower you on your journey. This week, I'm wrapping up edits for a new article on shadow journeys and sharing uplifting Dark Nights of the Soul resources. See, four years ago, the life I knew collapsed,...